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Home Events - Military Heritage of Ireland Trust CLG Lecture Infantry Weapons of the First World War


Western Front Association (Dublin Branch)
Western Front Association (Dublin Branch)
+353 (01) 895 8831

The Western Front Association (The WFA) was formed with the purpose of furthering interest in First World War of 1914-1918. We also aim to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those who served their countries on all sides, across all theatres and fronts, on land, at sea and in the air and at home, during the Great War.


Pearse Street Library
Pearse Street Library
138 - 144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. D02 HE37

Dublin City’s Pearse Street Library was built in 1909 with the financial support of American millionaire Andrew Carnegie. Today it features a public library downstairs and a special study library upstairs. It is a place where visitors can trace their family trees or look up the history of their area. Another feature is the stone head of Admiral Horatio Nelson; Nelson’s Pillar on O’Connell Street was blown up in 1966, and the head of the statue was saved.


18 May 2024


2:00 pm

Infantry Weapons of the First World War

In this illustrated talk James will look at the various weapons used by infantry on all slides – the Allies and the Central Powers – i.e. rifles, machine guns, pistols, etc.

James Scannell is a member of several local history societies and a regular contributor to local history society publications in which he has written numerous articles on various aspects of local and national history.

He is also a regular presenter of talks to local history societies and for several years has presented annual lectures recalling ‘Easter 100 Years Ago in Bray’ and ‘Christmas 100 Years Ago in Bray’ for the Wicklow County Library Service in branch libraries and was one of the contributors to the book ‘Wicklow in the War of Independence’ published by the Wicklow County Decade of Commemorations Centenary Committee.

He also compiles the weekly ‘Event Diary of Local History Society Meeting’ which has been broadcast on local radio since 1992.