
The Registry, McKee Barracks, Dublin 7.


353-(0)1-677 7853



Western Front Association (Dublin Branch)
Western Front Association (Dublin Branch)
+353 (01) 895 8831

The Western Front Association (The WFA) was formed with the purpose of furthering interest in First World War of 1914-1918. We also aim to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those who served their countries on all sides, across all theatres and fronts, on land, at sea and in the air and at home, during the Great War.


Pearse Street Library
Pearse Street Library
138 - 144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. D02 HE37

Dublin City’s Pearse Street Library was built in 1909 with the financial support of American millionaire Andrew Carnegie. Today it features a public library downstairs and a special study library upstairs. It is a place where visitors can trace their family trees or look up the history of their area. Another feature is the stone head of Admiral Horatio Nelson; Nelson’s Pillar on O’Connell Street was blown up in 1966, and the head of the statue was saved.


20 Jul 2024


2:00 pm

Some Kind Hand – WFA July Lecture

A ten-year pilgrimage to the burial grounds of the Great War across the Western Front and beyond.

The talk is in two parts. The first part deals with the why, how and what of organising the pilgrimage and our new way of life.

The second part deals with what we achieved, which included the completion of a Burial Visit Form for each burial ground, on which we captured information on the burials that we could use in the years to follow, with the idea of a book!

The Meeting Will Be In The Conference Room At Pearse Street Library, Doors Will Open At 13.40 For A 14.00 Start.