The Battle of Kinsale was a decisive turning point in Irish history, bringing to an end a nine year rebellion which had seen a powerful alliance of Ulster Gaelic chieftains drive the English from that province and spread insurrection throughout Ireland. A Spanish expeditionary force landed in the Kinsale area in September 1601 but was besieged by English forces under the Lord Deputy Mountjoy. A large force of Gaelic soldiers led by Hugh O’Neill and Red Hugh O’Donnell marched from Ulster to link up with the Spanish. Despite early successes the Irish forces were routed in early 1602 and the Spanish agreed to withdraw. The defeat ended Spain ’s immediate interest in Ireland and broke the spirit of the Ulster lords’ resistance, setting the scene for plantation and conquest. The museum contains a major exhibition on this theme. There are also collections relating to the sinking of the Lusitiania in 1915.
Market Square
Open Times:
Saturday: 10.00am-5.00pm
Sunday: 2.00pm-5.00pm.