Business Genre
Long Business Description
The 1st battalion of the elite US Army Rangers was raised on the 19 June 1942 at Sunnylands Camp, Carrickfergus. This museum contains photographs, memorabilia and records relating to this famous unit. It is housed in the same building as the Andrew Jackson Centre, which commemorates the life of the Andrew Jackson, Major General in the Tennessee Militia, the victor of the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 and seventh President of the United States .
Boneybefore, Carrickfergus,
C/O Carrickfergus Borough Council,
Wilson Endowed Building,
15 Lancasterian Street,
Carrickfergus, BT 38 7AB
Opening times:
April-October, 10.00am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-4.00pm.
(Open by request for schools and groups during the winter months).
Admission charged.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
028 93366455